Part-time coding courses

Foundations Front-end Engineering

The Foundations Front-end Engineering course will enable you to build a functioning interactive website as well as develop a fundamental understanding of how websites are built and work.

The course is part-time and will consist of seven classes over a period of two weeks. Classes are typically held Monday - Thursday from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm.

This course is not intended to lead to, or provide the skills necessary for a career. If you’re interested in a change, we encourage you to apply for our Web Development Immersive program.

Every student will be required to have their own computer to work on, but all other supplies needed will be provided by Carolina Code School. Please contact staff for more details. 


Is the part-time course right for me?

Our part-time course is perfect for those who:

  • Are working full-time, 9-5 jobs and can’t miss work but want to learn these skills

  • Are considering code school full-time but want to experience the classroom first

  • Have no experience in programming but could benefit from a basic understanding of code

  • Are interested in exploring what a software developer does

  • Work closely with programmers, such as project managers or designers


Upcoming Course Dates:

Register to be placed on the waitlist for July 2024 dates.

Cost of the course: $900

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